Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Pictorial Space

Decided to jump onto the donkey carts of Flickr, as Blogger's own Picasa is just a pain in the arse to use. The catch is that I'd have to pay to use their unlimited bandwidth version, and right now, I have no credit cards, as my one and only has been hacked and cancelled. Bummer.


With luck like mine, it's only natural that the movies I've been wanting to see for the past six months only screen in HK AFTER I leave. Tony Takitani 東尼瀧谷, adapted from Haruki Murakami 村上春樹's short story of the same name, and Miyazaki's Howl's Moving Castle are gracing the screens of the HK International Film Festival. I couldn't even recognize Rie Miyazawa 宮澤理惠, the female star of Tony Takitani, who doesn't look at all bad for an 90's has-been.

Tony Takitani Official Site and Apple Japan Trailer

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