Tuesday, December 24, 2002

27 hours and three airports later, I'm finally home!
Discovery + Dilemma No. 1:

My mum's uber-very-this-season, trendier-than-me Nevaho Indian boots, in suede (the material-de-jour), complete with pointy toe and fringey bits.
I had the same boots (but round toed) when I was 5. and I HATED them at the time.
Is it secret 80's nostalgia, or a semi-mid-life-crisis symptom? Or is my mummy's fashion antena plainly 10x sharper than mine?
And she bought technicoloured rabbit fur scarf things. I thought they were rather strange, but my mum claims they are the zeitgeist accessory...hmm...*unconvinced*

Merry Christmas to all!
Hope you're not spending x'mas eve at home and in front of an emotionless monitor, jetlagged and rather sad like I am now.

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