Sunday, February 01, 2004

From my brother's blog today:

It was not until last night that I had learnt that an old English school and teammate of mine, Thomas Hurndall, had passed away; I am truely saddened and shaken upon hearing the news.

Tom was shot in the head by an Israeli telescopic M-16 while helping Palestinian Children to safety in the Gaza area. He was volunteering as a photo journalist for the International Solidarity Movement (ISM) at the time of his death.

[sic] "No one could say I wasn't seeing what needs to be seen now." - Thomas Hurndall, while in Gaza, Israel.

Tom passed away after spending nine months in a coma. I didn't know Tom Hurndall, but I'm at a total loss of words, out of awe and respect. This man's tragic death makes me question my purpose of existence.

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