Wednesday, January 28, 2004

Map It - Where on earth have you been? [via Silent Dreams]

Just found out I've only visited 22 countries ever in my life (not counting that transit in New Delhi), a teeny-weeny 9% out of the 250+ that makes up the human world. And I realised I've never crossed the equator into the Southern Hemisphere.

Countries that ought to be on my list of "I've-been-there!", but aren't:
(not counting all the countries that I hope to visit in this lifetime)

New Zealand [Aaahemmm... sky-diving parents]

Plus I just realised Andorra is a country between France and Spain. So much for my 12 yr overseas education.

As for US states, I've only been to 11 out of 52.

I should get out there more.
Other than learning how ignorant / poorly-travelled I am, I've been busy revampling myself as a food, in the name of job-hunting:

Wanna eat me?

That and, online-summer-shoe-browsing.... I need to join Online-Shoppaholics Anonymous for the sake of that-thing-formerly-known-as-my-career, if there is such a group.