Thursday, January 22, 2004

Happy New Year, boys and girls:

AAAaaah. Me monkey girl. Supposedly intelligent, quick and witty. Me no monkey girl traits.
and My "hui ling" [fake age according to Chinese] is now 25. AAaaaah!!!

Bugger bugger bugger!!! [Tis New Yr, or I would have used more obscene terms]

Called Gran for new year greetings. Was promptly told to return to HK for:
a) family [understandible]
b) job
[tried to explain, to no avail, that all my friends are about to resign as are unhappy due to i) bitchy office politics; ii) bitchy bosses]
c) boyfriend => marriage
[tried to reinstate my plan to stay unwed till the age of 30; Gran's immediate response was, "Aiya, you'll be an old maid by then!"]

As if Feminism never existed; as if my parents paid $$$$$ for my schooling just for me to be a trophy MRS.

Want to bash head against wall~~~~