Monday, May 26, 2003

1 bad final takes 1 whole week to recover.....

since the arrival of my extended family, I've done nothing (well, almost nothing) apart from eating. Tis the upside and the downside of being part of a closely knit Chinese family I guess. You meet up with family, you eat. You can't think of anything to do, you eat. The weather sucks, so you eat, yet again. Am feeling like a walking piece of blubber. *urgh*

other things I've been up to:

a) packing up my 130 ft-sq room, which is taking forever and ever and ever.... packed 8 boxes, and 18+ more to go. Room is looking messy + sad with all my decorations gone and cardboard boxes strewn everywhere.
b) went to see matrix reloaded + x2, one after another on Sat. then went to eat with Yao + Taka + Zhenye @ Biba [now cheesily renamed Excelsior]. was a lovely lovely treat, in spite of previously delicious bread selection went MIA. (Foie gras! foie gras!) In my gastronomical bliss, I fell asleep at Yao's before the start of Farewell to my Concubine. Apparently I was kicking everyone off the futon when asleep [my true nature?!]. SORRY! Only to wake up the next morning not knowing where the hell I was or what I was doing there. :P
c) am enamoured with my new phone. Thx mum! At last won't have a ghetto phone that dies after 5 mins of talk time.
random movie personality test:

If I were an X2 character, I'd be Professor X:

You are Professor Charles Xavier, leader and founder of the X-Men. All that psychic activity in your head must have burned your hair off from the inside. You've confined to a wheelchair - the perfect disguise, for you are probably the strongest mutant on the planet. You do not resemble anyone from star trek in any way. honest.

~maybe there's a brainiac somewhere inside of me undiscovered..... [via slytherinkk]

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