Friday, May 30, 2003

The Dorm Room Restoration Project:

Been packing for days now as I prepare to move dorm and leave for the Grand Tour. In the process, I've also ripped up half of the "quality" cardboard walls [you'd think a $68 million dorm would have concrete walls], as I dismantle all things attached with brute force. 3M clear mounting tape does a good job of sticking things to the wall, almost too good for my nomadic existence. Now nearing the end of packing, I've left half a dozen fist-sized patches where the paint + cardboard has ripped off.

What to do?
- retain bits of tape that has patches of wall stuck to them
- rescue bits of wall
- glue bits of wall back to hole with glue stick
- fill in cracks with Tippex (or white owl, whatever you call it); white crayon would be better, but darn I packed it away.
- smudge xs tippex with fingers to smooth out the meteor hole

am sad, sad student

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