Tuesday, October 01, 2002

exercise in narcistic behaviour:

Why Cumulo Nimbus you ask? (or I'll pretend you asked)
[in a geeky nasal voice] Cumulo-nimbus is a type of cloud, the thick dark ominous looking ones you see before thunder storms or heavy rain.

Ever since I was a kid, my mum thought she should name me Cloudy if I should ever get an English name, cos I'm so clueless all the time.
Things haven't changed much, except that I've been getting more teary as I grow up.
When confronted with figures of authority (usually people who want me to work harder, people I can't stand, or people who I get frustrated with), any traces of decorum plus my will to control my tear ducts simply vanish.
I'm hoping I can be more like Cirrus, the wispy feather-lite clouds you see when it's sunny and bright. So that's my ICQ nickname.

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