Sunday, November 24, 2002

Have an enormous sense of well-being from last night. It's been almost 2 years+ since the last time I danced my head off & 2 years+ since I went clubbing with Jen. Girl, we've still got the groove on ;D
Post-clubbing sushi @ Ginza...hmm...=> instant source of euphoria.

Watched What Time is it There? �A����X�I by Tsai Ming Liang ����G. Am deeply moved. I really identified with one of the main characters; Tsai envisioned her as someone "rigid and suppressed but ultra-sensitive. She is a city woman who is afraid of loneliness, yet she is content with being alone." In her I saw myself. Mary once said to me that I looked so vulnerable when she first met me. I never understood; I always thought I'm strong and independent. Perhaps that's what I'd like to be, but not what I am.

I realised how much resemblance there is between my own videos and TML's movies: they are all really slow, filled with mundane situations and activities, but the characters are fragile and somewhat unpredictable. Of course TML does it gazillion times better, and I still have a long way to go in perfecting my story-telling methods.

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